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ISPCC Childline, Webwise, and the National Parents Council (NPC) Primary have partnered under the umbrella of the Irish Safer Internet Centre to provide a range of complementary online safety services.

The Irish Safer Internet Centre is under the co-ordination of the Department of Justice, Cybercrime Division and is co-financed by the European Union under the Connecting Europe Facility Safer Internet Programme.

The partner organisations work towards a shared mission of making the internet a safer and more inclusive place for children and young people.


Childline Listening Service

The Childline Listening Service is Ireland’s only 24-hour active listening service for children and young people. The service is here to listen to children, to support and empower them and to help to strengthen their resilience so they can cope with any challenges they face.

Any child or young person can contact Childline for free and in confidence, at any time, to talk about any issue on their mind.

The service can be reached online at, or calling 1800 66 66 66. promotes safer, better, Internet use through awareness-raising and education initiatives which target teachers, children, young people and parents.

Webwise provides information, advice and tools to parents to support their engagement in their children’s online lives.


National Parents Council (NPC) Primary

The National Parents Council Primary provides a dedicated helpline to support parents and carers in dealing with issues relating to online safety, including cyberbullying.

The National Parents Council Primary also provides parents with training courses, both online and face-to-face.

Further information about the National Parents Council Primary Helpline can be found here. is Ireland’s primary national channel for members of the public to anonymously and confidentially report suspected illegal content online, especially child sexual abuse material and activities relating to the sexual exploitation of children such as child grooming. works closely with An Garda Síochána and online service providers to have child sexual abuse material swiftly removed from the internet and ensure the children in the imagery may be identified and safeguarded.

Irish Safer Internet Centre infographic