The ISPCC’s mission is to make the protection of children everyone’s priority.
One of the organisation’s key activities is to influence change in law and policy in Ireland, so that laws and policies that impact on children’s lives do so in a way that serves their best interests.
The key policy areas on which we work include:
Child Protection And Welfare

In 2017, Childline received over 20,000 contacts in relation to abuse and violence and over 3,000 calls in relation to substance use and abuse. The majority of contacts to Childline come at night, when children have no access to social workers and may have no-one else to call.
Online Safety

Children’s online safety is the child protection issue of our time and the ISPCC continues to call for a series of measures to be implemented to ensure that children can enjoy the breadth of opportunities the internet presents in the safest way possible.
Mental Health
The ISPCC has developed submissions and contributions in relation to the need for significant additional resources and change in Ireland’s mental health system for young people.