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The ISPCC Digital Ready Check

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Welcome to the ISPCC’s Digital Ready Check – a safe space where you can engage and reflect on how you’re faring when it comes to supporting young people online.

The purpose of the Digital Ready Check is not to answer all, most or even any of the questions correctly. Answering honestly will help you get the best possible result for you. The Digital Ready Check is about informing yourself, provoking thought, getting a feel for areas you maybe haven’t given a lot of consideration to and taking steps to ensure that you and your family become good digital citizens. 

As wonderful as the online world can be, it can feel a little overwhelming at times. Between viral challenges, password security, online grooming, the age of digital consent, ‘deep fakes’ and much more, it’s vital to stay abreast of all the changes that are happening on a daily basis. 

Whether you’re a Digital Scholar or a Digital Apprentice, there’s lots you can do to ensure children are equipped to cope with any negativity they may experience online and become resilient, empathetic digital citizens.

The Digital Ready Hub is provided with the support of Vodafone Ireland Foundation.  We would like to thank all in Vodafone Ireland for their continued support of ISPCC.


Take ISPCC's Digital Ready Check below

Disclaimer: ISPCC has prepared the ‘Digital Ready Check’ based on information available at the time and the ISPCC’s interpretation of same. It is not intended to be a measure of competencies. Vodafone Ireland Foundation has not contributed to the creation or interpretation of questions or answers.

All content on the Digital Ready Hub was researched and produced by ISPCC. Every effort was made to ensure information was correct at the time of publishing.  If you have any queries please contact: [email protected]

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