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Shield Anti-Bullying Programme

Welcome to the Shield Anti-Bullying Programme

The Shield programme aims to support organisations in their efforts to proactively manage bullying and protect children and young people from bullying through prevention and intervention strategies.

Bullying is a complex social issue and can occur in many different settings including schools, sporting and youth club activities, the home, social groups, in communities and online. 

From listening to and supporting children and young people we know that bullying continues to occur, and this can have significant impacts on a child and young persons’ life sometimes well into adulthood. There is much work to be done to minimise all forms of bullying and, thereby, negate the potential impact of bullying.

We encourage organisations to work through the Shield Self-Evaluation Tool and to receive upon review and support by ISPCC Shield Status for their organisation.

Bullying is a major issue for children and young people

• School-based bullying prevention programs decrease bullying by up to 25%. (McCallion & Feder, 2013) (4)

Definition of Bullying

"Bullying is in-person and online behaviour between children and young people within a social network that causes physical, emotional, or social harm to targeted young people. It is characterized by an imbalance of power that is enabled or inhibited by the social and institutional norms and context of schools/organisations and the education system. Bullying implies an absence of effective responses and care towards the target by peers and adults"
UNESCO, 2020

About the Shield Self-Evaluation Tool

The Self-Evaluation tool is a key component of the programme and is designed for any organisation working with children and young people, e.g., schools, crèches, clubs, residential settings etc.

There is now a large body of evidence regarding effective approaches to bullying and what has been proven to work. 

ISPCC has distilled the latest research into ten Shield Statements that are evidenced based. By reflecting on each of the ten statements and associated questions, organisations will identify their areas of strength and those necessitating development in their approach to bullying.

What are the benefits to your organisation?

• Provides a trusted, evidence-informed resource that supports your organisation to gauge how effective it is in relation to bullying, based on the evidence provided throughout your responses.

• Assists your organisation to identify areas for development and guidance on how to realise these in a time-efficient manner.

• An evidence-informed approach makes it more likely that the positive effects identified in research studies will be replicated within participating organisations’ environments.

• Being awarded Shield Status will signal to parents/carers, children and young people, the community and those involved that the organisation is proactively managing its approach to bullying and is committed to continuous improvement in combatting bullying.

Shield Programme Testimonals

Achieving Shield Status

Organisations that are awarded Shield Status will receive the following:

  • Access to the most up to-date research and a library of supporting materials/videos and lesson plans which will be continuously updated
  • A Shield graphic for
    display on your organisation’s website
  • Certificate of your organisation’s achievement 
  • Letter template to announce the attainment of your Shield Status to parents/caregivers
  • Recognition on

Please Note:

  • Shield Status is awarded for a two-year period after which point, it must be renewed.
  • Shield Status is not an endorsement by ISPCC that bullying has not and will not occur in the organisation

How to register for the Self-Evaluation tool

The self-evaluation tool is designed for online use. You will receive a PDF version of the self-reflection tool to help you and your team to review the questions and content before filling out the questionnaire. 

For information or support from our Anti-bullying coordinator, please email [email protected]     

Self-Evaluation Tool Registration Form

Overview of the 10 Shield Statements

Ideas to inspire

Shield Anti-Bullying Self Evaluation Tool - Copy_Page_2

Shield Status Schools and Clubs 2022 - 2024:

Anti-Bullying Guidance and Advice

Frequently Asked Questions

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