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My 12 year old daughter has being bullied by adult next door for years and slandered on facebook,how do i protect her as garda wont help due to no law in Ireland for social posts. The adult used their phone from their bedroom window to video my child playing in our garden with her friend then sent it to that childs parent through facebook bad mouthing my child. Why is there no protection for young vunerable kids. It stopped her playing out the back or her friends to play .


Hello, you are very welcome to Ask Robyn!

Thank you for reaching out to us. We are deeply sorry to hear about the distressing situation your daughter is facing. It’s incredibly concerning when an adult engages in bullying and slander against a child, especially through social media. We understand how heartbreaking and frustrating it must be to see your daughter being targeted and how powerless you might feel in the face of limited legal protections. Your concerns for her well-being are completely valid.
While it can feel discouraging that there may not be specific laws in Ireland addressing social media harassment in this way, your daughter’s safety and emotional health are the most important priorities. It’s important that she knows you are there for her, supporting her through this difficult time. Taking steps to ensure she feels safe in her own home and garden is essential. If the situation continues to escalate, or if you feel her safety is at risk, it may help to document every instance of harassment to build a stronger case for protection.
If your daughter feels comfortable, she can reach out to our Childline service for support. Childline is free to contact by phone at 1800 66 66 66, or via Web Chat at It’s a non-judgemental, confidential, and anonymous service—Childline does not use caller identification or track device IP addresses. We want your daughter to know she is never alone; we are here to support her and help her explore her options in a safe space. Childline is available 24/7 to offer help whenever she needs it.
In terms of legal avenues, while the Gardaí may not have been able to intervene, we recommend reaching out to FLAC (Free Legal Advice Centres) at They offer free advice and can guide you on what actions might be taken in relation to the adult’s behaviour, particularly if there’s a breach of privacy or defamation involved. Legal frameworks around online harassment are evolving, and they might be able to offer some clarity on how you can proceed.
Finally, if you would like to talk more about this situation, our Support Line is available Monday to Friday, 9:00 am to 1:00 pm, on 01 5224300. Alternatively, you can email us at [email protected]. We are here to listen and offer any further support you may need. 
Best wishes,

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