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ISPCC Digital Ready Hub

The ISPCC Digital Ready Hub is your destination for trusted information on how you can support children and young people to have positive experiences online. 

We want parents and carers to be equipped with the tools they need to guide children safely through the wonderful, and sometimes turbulent, world of the internet.

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About the Digital Ready Hub

Welcome to the Digital Ready Hub!

The internet has transformed modern life as we know it and the online world is one filled with possibilities and opportunities for children and young people.

Of course, with great technology comes a certain level of risk. Trying to ensure young people have safe and enjoyable experiences online can feel like a daunting task at times.

It’s natural to want to minimise the risks but with so much information available, where should you start?

Make the ISPCC Digital Ready Hub your go-to source of expert information, support and advice.

Click the links to check out Digital Ready Hub updates, videos or sign up to upcoming webinars.

About the Digital Ready Hub

  • As a parent / carer, helping ensure your child can have positive, safe, enjoyable and educational experiences online can feel like a daunting task.
  • The pace of change in the digital world can feel overwhelming.
  • You may feel you want to minimise the risks for your child, but, with so much information available, where do you even start?
  • How can you encourage and support your child to become a responsible digital citizen?
  • And how do you prepare your child to cope if something does go wrong online?
  • ISPCC’s Digital Ready Hub, supported by Vodafone Ireland, is your destination for trusted, expert, information, supports, resources and advice.

The Digital Ready Hub is packed with expert videos, articles, tips, guides and more.

As wonderful as the online world can be, it can also feel a little overwhelming for parents and carers at times. Between viral challenges, password security, online grooming, the age of digital consent, ‘deep fakes’ and much more, it’s vital to stay abreast of all the changes that are happening on a daily basis. 

Our ‘Digital Ready Check’ is a quiz-based exercise that lets you know how you are faring in key areas of digital resilience and safety, and help you learn more about the areas that we can support you with.

Whether you’re a Digital Scholar or a Digital Apprentice, there’s lots you can do to ensure children are equipped to cope with any negativity they may experience online and become resilient, empathetic digital citizens.

The Digital Ready Hub is provided with the support of Vodafone Ireland Foundation.  We would like to thank all in Vodafone Ireland for their continued support of ISPCC.

Disclaimer: All content on the Digital Ready Hub was researched and produced by ISPCC. All effort was made to ensure information was correct at the time of publishing.  If you have any queries please contact: [email protected]

To start why not try our ‘Digital Ready Check’ and gain an insight into areas of digital safety and resilience we can support you on.​

To start why not try our ‘Digital Ready Check’ and gain an insight into areas of digital safety and resilience we can support you on.​