Covid-19 Resilience Hub

It is understandable that children, young people, parents and carers may be experiencing a range of emotions at this time.
Parents and carers may feel under pressure perhaps to work, parent and educate all at the same time.
It is important that lines of communication are kept open and that people of all ages know there is support available to them.
ISPCC Support Line
The ISPCC Support Line provides support and information to parents and carers in relation to any aspect of children’s welfare and wellbeing.
The service operates on Monday to Friday mornings, from 9am to 1pm.
Details are updated every day, so check back here for more.


The ISPCC’s Childline service is available to every child and young person in Ireland to talk about any issue which may be on their mind. The service is free to contact from anywhere in Ireland and operates 24 hours a day, every day.
Childline can be contacted in the following ways:
Call 1800 66 66 66
Chat online at
ISPCC Parent Hub
The Parenting Hub section of features support and information articles relating to a wide range of aspects of parenting.
Check out the pieces below for further information and support on matters relating to Covid-19:
Positive Parenting at a Difficult Time
Further Supports At This Time

The HSE provides trusted and up-to-date information on the Coronavirus in Ireland and health guidance.
PE Instructor Joe Wicks is sharing daily work-outs and exercise routines for all ages.
Music Therapists Ian Leslie and Tommy Hayes have developed this short listening exercise and simple breathing technique for relaxation
Psychologist David Coleman has developed this ‘Scared Kids’ programme for anyone helping children to cope with anxiety