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The ISPCC Integration Service, supported by The Daffodil Foundation, works with families who seek International Protection in Ireland and, as a result, end up living in Direct Provision while their application is being processed.

The service currently supports families residing in Mosney Accommodation Centre, Co. Meath. The overall objective of this service is to support families in integrating into Irish society by promoting empowerment, connection and resilience.

The ISPCC Integration Service continues to evolve based on the needs of the community which it serves.

This year the programme has focused on the following three areas:

  • The Community Navigator Service
  • The ISPCC ‘Bouncing Forward’ Resilience Programme
  • Individual Support Work with Children & Families

Despite the current restrictions, we continue to support families residing in Mosney Accommodation Centre.

The ISPCC Integration Officer continues to work individually with children and their parents via telephone / video calls and emails.

We have also started a Parental Support Group which consists of weekly video call meetings for parents living in Mosney. As many parents are finding this time particularly stressful, we use the meetings to offer support, share ideas, discuss parenting tips and provide individuals with a safe space to talk about how they are coping. By creating a virtual community of support, we hope to help families feel less isolated during these times.

If you are living in Mosney Accommodation Centre and are in need of additional support during this challenging time, please do not hesitate to contact our Integration Officer, Emma Maguire, by emailing: [email protected]


Resources for Families living in Direct Provision

HSE Covid-19 Translated Resources

To help share the message about coronavirus, the HSE have translated posters and booklets into a variety of languages including; Albanian, Arabic, Urdu and Yoruba – to mention just a few!

International Protection Accommodation Services (IPAS) COVID-19 Update

This downloadable document updated on the 16th of April 2020 contains relevant information for people living in accommodation centres, including specific updates on the following areas:

  • Legal Aid for International Protection Applicants
  • Temporary Residence Cards
  • Temporary HSE Accommodation for Healthcare Workers
  • Residents with Complex Medical Conditions
  • Self-Isolation Facilities
  • COVID-19 Vocabulary Explained (English)
  • Resources for Children

My Hero Is You, Storybook for Children on COVID-19

Over 1,700 children, parents, caregivers and teachers around the world participated in the creation of this book by sharing their experiences of the COVID-19 outbreak. The project aimed to gather information on the mental health and psychosocial needs of children during this time and identified particular topics to be addressed in the book.

This short story is now available to download in a variety of languages (Albanian and Urdu versions are currently in the process of being translated).

The project was developed by the Interagency Standing Committee Reference Group on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Emergency Settings.

UNHCR Ramadan Guidelines during the COVID-19 Pandemic

As Ramadan is due to commence on the 23rd of April 2020, the UNHCR have created this document to offer information and advice to Muslims, including asylum-seekers and refugees, hoping to celebrate Ramadan.

Included in the guidelines, is an invite to join the virtual community of ‘Open Iftar’, an initiative which has taken its celebrations online this year, in the hope to continue bringing communities together despite social distancing.

Whether you are fasting or not, Muslim or non-Muslim, you can sign-up, join thousands of people and share your food, conversations and experience with #MyOpenIftar

Sanctuary Runners

#SanctuaryStrength Exercise Sessions

Sanctuary Runners bring those living in Direct Provision together with the rest of Irish society through running and exercise. The COVID-19 restrictions has meant that members can no longer meet up to train together, but this has not stopped the Sanctuary Runners! Every Saturday morning at 11am former Olympic rower Claire Lambe offers live #SanctuaryStrength exercise classes, whilst during the week members can access exercise videos made by other Olympians. Sanctuary Runners continue to bring people together!

If you would like to join the Sanctuary Runners and take part in the #SanctuaryStrength exercise sessions, send an email to [email protected] to express your interest!