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Kicking off a winning collaboration between Childline, DDSL and the beautiful game

How Childline and DDSL are teaming up to help ensure there’s always someone to listen when a child needs to talk

Childline by ISPCC and the Dublin District Soccer League (DDSL) are two organisations, united by a common cause – our wish to support children and young people. Childline and DDSL are delighted to announce our three-year partnership, the aim of which is to ensure that children and young people know they can always reach out, no matter what is on their mind.

Childline is home to Ireland’s only 24/7 listening services for children and young people. Childline staff and volunteers ensure that there is always someone to listen when a child or young person needs to talk. 

ISPCC needs to raise up to 75% of its funding each year from donations and the charity appreciates all support which helps ensure its services and supports are available to children and young people all day, every day.  

Childline is very grateful to Dublin and District Schoolboys’/girls’ Soccer League for donating 50c of each child’s annual registration fee to the organisation and is looking forward to our three-year partnership and commitment to supporting the well-being of children, parents and clubs within DDSL. 

DDSL, the leading youth football development league, is an organisation responsible for organising and overseeing competitive football matches for school children in the greater Dublin area. 

John Church, CEO of ISPCC, says: “DDSL plays a key role in the grassroots soccer community, Childline is here for every child and young person, and together we can make a real difference to the lives of the young members of our society. We can ensure that the over 35,000 children who are registered with the DDSL feel supported, listen to and informed.”


“We at the DDSL are delighted to partner with Childline and support the tremendous work they do in the support to children and parents when they need it most,” says Niall O’Driscoll, Director Dublin & District Schoolboys/girls League. 


“We will be launching dedicated training/educational supports for clubs, volunteers and parents using ISPCC’s Shield anti-bullying programme together with Childline’s 24/7 listening service, which is always available for any child needing help or just to talk.


“The player/child-centred approach of both organisations will be used to increase awareness and help adults understand the many issues and challenges our kids face in the current society.”


As part of its collaboration with DDSL, Childline has committed to providing: 

• workshops to DDSL and their clubs to ensure that every coach, parent and child has access to the supports they need

• access to Childline’s Anti-Bullying programme Shield for all 132 clubs

• supports for parents, coaches and children published on the DDSL website, socials and emails to the children’s guardians and coaches

Childline will be fundraising at the DDSL’s premier event this year – the Cup Final on May 19, 24, 25 and 26. Those attending will be able to donate to Childline.  All donations are very gratefully received.