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Digital Safety Videos

Get expert advice in the area of children’s online safety from the people who deal with it on a daily basis. From child psychologists and psychotherapists to members of the Data Protection Commission and Garda Online Child Exploitation Unit, these videos take a comprehensive look at the potential situations your child may face when they start their online journey. Speakers include Dr Colman Noctor, Dr Nicola Fox-Hamilton, Newstalk tech correspondent Jess Kelly, Detective Sergeant Mike Smyth, Assistant Data Commissioner Jennifer Dolan and many more.

We are delighted to share several videos from our partners in children’s online safety,

Visit the Webwise Parents Hub  for more practical advice on key online safety and digital citizenship topics including videos from parenting, technology, and education experts, along with Talking Points to start a conversation with your child, and Explainer Guides to popular apps and platforms.

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Digital Resilience and Empathy Videos