Get up, get out and get talking to help Childline by ISPCC help children and young people in Ireland

Childline by ISPCC urges Ireland to get chatting with our latest fundraising campaign

Get talking while walking and help children and young people by supporting the ‘Lap and Chat’ fundraising campaign from Childline by ISPCC. This latest campaign was developed in direct response to the worries of callers to Childline, ISPCC’s 24/7 listening service.

Both walking and talking are good for us but, together, they have added benefits. International research indicates that people with anxious tendencies feel more at ease with the person they were interacting with if they aren’t making eye contact with that person.

Childline is Ireland’s only 24/7 listening service for children and young people, and volunteers have increasingly been hearing callers share their mental health concerns.

We know from talking to children and young people that their worries range from sibling rivalry and differences in music tastes to exam anxiety, confusion about sexuality and self-harming.

This spring, Childline by ISPCC is calling on schools, clubs and creches to take part in our latest campaign by walking a lap while having a chat with a friend in the yard, school or local area.

We listen to school students sharing their worries every day so we know how vital it is for children and young people to share what’s on their mind.

Childline provides a supportive listening ear for all those worries and anything else on the minds of our callers. “If a worry is big to any of our callers, it’s big to us at Childline,” says John Church, ISPCC CEO.

ISPCC needs to raise up to 75% of its funding each year from donations and the charity is grateful for all support which helps ensure its services and supports are available to children and young people all day, every day.

To find out more about the campaign, including information on how to sign up a school, club or creche, visit

ISPCC will provide a virtual school talk, reflection workbook for students, an information booklet about its school services and a completion certification.

The Lap and Chat event can be held any time in March or April.

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