Support Services
If you or your child ever need advice on anything regarding online safety or abuse, there are helplines and supports available.
Interacting with people online can entice some of us to say or do things we might not do in “real life” because we can’t see the person’s response and therefore, don’t have to immediately deal with the consequences of our actions.
This section will help you teach your children to be responsible digital citizens and empower them to make good online choices.
It covers topics including Online Empathy, Digital Footprints, Screen Time and Positive Communication.
There are videos to watch from child and adolescent psychotherapist Dr Colman Noctor and the CEO of the National Parents Council Primary, as well as downloadable resources to help you communicate the importance of digital resilience to your children.
If you or your child ever need advice on anything regarding online safety or abuse, there are helplines and supports available.