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ISPCC Calls for All-of-Society Approach to Keeping Children Safe Online on Safer Internet Day 2022

The day creates an opportunity for a national conversation around online safety.

On Safer Internet Day 2022, ISPCC has called for an all-of-society approach to working to ensure children and young people are better protected online.

The charity which provides the Childline suite of services said the day creates an opportunity for a national conversation around the important steps which parents, carers, educators, legislators and industry can take to ensure children and young people can have safe and positive experiences online.

Children’s online safety is a key child protection concern for ISPCC and one on which it has campaigned vigorously for many years.

ISPCC Chief Executive John Church, who is a member of the National Advisory Council for Online Safety, said: “Children and young people are active citizens in the online world. They tell Childline about the positive opportunities it presents to them for education, keeping in contact with friends and family, leisure time and relaxation and more. Many also speak with us, however, about the significant risks and dangers they can encounter.

“Children have a right to be safe online and there are steps we can all take towards ensuring this right is upheld.

  • Parents and carers can make a positive difference by taking an active and engaged interest in their child or young person’s online activity and by creating safe spaces for open conversation. It is hugely important that children and young people know if they encounter anything online which they don’t feel comfortable with, they can talk about it and access support.
    • ISPCC’s Digital Ready Hub, delivered with the support of the Vodafone Ireland Foundation, is a one-stop destination for parents and carers, to equip them with the tools they need to help guide children and young people safely through the wonderful, and sometimes turbulent, online world. It can be accessed at

  • Educators can play an important role in guiding children and young people to be safe online. It is imperative that online safety education is embedded across the curriculum to protect children and equip them for the world and the jobs of tomorrow.


  • Legislators must act to mitigate the devastating harm which can be caused by cyberbullying. Children and young people ought to have course for redress when they report harmful content and behaviour targeted at them and platforms fail to act.

  • Industry can clearly signal their commitment to protecting children and young people who use their platforms and devices by adopting a ‘Safety-By-Design’ approach. Children and young people should have the chance to avail of the many opportunities and benefits the online world presents in a safe and supported environment.


“Last month, ISPCC cautiously welcomed a significant step forward for children and young people’s online safety in response to the Government’s publication of the Online Safety and Media Regulation Bill.

“It is timely that the bill will see an Office of Online Safety Commissioner established to regulate online services and reduce the proliferation of harmful content through binding codes. An individual complaints mechanism must also now be put in place. While Safer Internet Day is one important day to highlight safety online, children and young people experience the harmful effects of cyberbullying every day of the year. It is vital that their voices are heard and they can access meaningful redress.

If any child or young person would like to talk about life online, or anything else that might be on their mind, Childline is here for them 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The service doesn’t judge them, or tell them what to do, but it’s there to listen actively and to help empower them to find the next best step for them. All service details can be found at