Could you help Childline listen to children?

The Childline listening service is now recruiting volunteers for its offices in Dun Laoghaire, Limerick, Galway, Cork and Drogheda. Our volunteers are dedicated to helping Ireland’s children.

The service provided by ISPCC is always available to any child and young person across Ireland who would like to talk about any topic on their mind.  

Childline’s 24/7 listening service is free and confidential and can be reached online or by phone.  

Volunteers with the service come from all walks of life and are united by one common purpose: to help ensure no child or young person in Ireland has to face their challenges alone.  

An excellent team spirit and sense of support prevails at Childline units throughout the country. Volunteers receive full training in advance of answering their first contact and ongoing support and upskilling thereafter. 

Childline regional supervisor Mary Nolan Durkan says: “Childline volunteers play a vital role in helping to ensure there is always someone there to listen, support and empower children and young people in Ireland when they seek a listening ear. The Childline training course is a comprehensive course which equips volunteers with the skills to deliver a quality service to children.”

One of our volunteers Dee says that she never expected to get so much back from volunteering in her own life. “I have learned so many new skills and made friends from all walks of life. We are all united with a common purpose: to make sure every child has somewhere they can turn.”

Another volunteer Liz says that although she was initially nervous at the thought of becoming a volunteer with Childline, she is delighted that she did it. “People always think that you’re dealing with the most neglected children of society but this is not necessarily the truth, so many children just need to talk. It tugs at my heartstrings that so many children need Childline.”

If you would like more information on becoming a Childline volunteer and helping the service to listen to children and young people, please contact [email protected]

ISPCC delighted to receive €50,000 from the RTE Toy Show Appeal grants for 2023

ISPCC is delighted to announced that it has been awarded €50,000 from the RTE Toy Show Appeal grants for 2023 by Community Foundation Ireland. 

The charity, which operates the Childline suite of services, is honoured to be among the 147 registered children’s charities and community groups across the island of Ireland chosen to share the incredible amount of money raised. 

Each year, the Late Late Toy Show raises money to help children in need and last November viewers helped to raise almost €4 million to help improve the quality of children’s lives. 

This is the second consecutive year that ISPCC has received this grant and this year’s funding will be dedicated to our Childline Digital Support service. Our Digital Mental Health and Wellbeing supports, available nationwide. are aimed at anxiety management for young people, and their parents/carers. They empower those experiencing low to moderate anxiety, acting as an early intervention strategy that addresses wellbeing challenges before they escalate.

The free online programmes include interactive tools, activities, mood monitors and journals to encourage users to apply Cognitive Behavioural Therapy to their own lives. Throughout the duration of the early intervention programme, users will be supported by fully trained ISPCC volunteers. 

John Church, ISPCC CEO, says “All of us at ISPCC want to say a huge thank you to everyone who donated to The Late Late Show. This incredibly generous donation will help us support children and young people suffering from anxiety. It is a topic frequently discussed by children who speak with Childline both online and on the phone. Our Digital Mental Health programmes are empowering for both children and their parents.”



About RTE Toy Show Appeal

Inspired by children, the RTE Toy Show Appeal works to bring the magic of the Late Late Toy Show to every child in Ireland. By funding essential support, health, well-being, play and creativity we aim to change children’s lives for good.

The donations to the RTÉ Toy Show Appeal, are received and managed by registered charity, Community Foundation Ireland with whom we work in partnership. For more information about Community Foundation Ireland,

please see here: Community Foundation Ireland – For change. For better. For all.

The RTÉ Toy Show Appeal has raised over €17.5million for children’s charities across the island of Ireland to date.


Krystal & The Queers come out in support of ISPCC ahead of fabulous Cork fundraiser

On May 19, Cork will be buzzing as Krystal & The Queers take to the stage at the city’s Gaia bar on 98th Street for a night of fun and frolics with all funds raised going to ISPCC. 

The Cork drag scene is thriving and the unforgettable performances of Krystal Queer and her fellow drag queens Liam Bee and Kia Koke are inspired by the New York club vibe of the 1980s and 1990s. 

Prepare to be surprised as Krystal Queer herself has said that you never know what you’re going to get with her. Characters such as Meg Griffin and Marge Simpson may even make special guest star appearances…

All will be revealed on May 19th. 

ISPCC, and its suite of Childline services including the 24/7 listening service, is a cause very dear to Krystal Queer. 

“This fundraiser holds a special place in my heart as when I was younger, I was deeply affected by the suicide of a friend. Unfortunately, a legion of others can say the same. We want to turn that grief into a positive force and aid Childline by doing what we do best – laughing, dancing and celebrating life. 

“Countless young people suffer in silence and darkness so we are pledging to be as loud and as bright as we can be. Everyone’s mental health matters – whether you’re a dentist, a driver or a drag queen.”

Doors open at 6.30pm, the performance starts at 7.30pm and will be followed by a DJ. Tickets priced at €10 are available on Eventbrite or at the door. 

A raffle on the night includes such fantastic prizes as one night B&B at the luxury four-star Kingsley Hotel, a €50 Spitjack voucher and much more.

ISPCC needs to raise over 75% of its funding through donations each year to ensure we can be there to support children and young people 24-hours a day, 365 days of the year.  We rely on the generosity of the public and are grateful for all support. We encourage children to reach out for any reason. To donate to ISPCC,

How ISPCC can help parents of children suffering from anxiety

ISPCC and author and illustrator Katie O’Donoghue are continuing their successful series of free webinars for parents and teachers that will provide them tools and tips to help bolster children’s resilience and manage anxiety.  

The first in the series which was aimed at parents, focussed on resilience, while the next webinar, taking place on April 25, will help parents to support children suffering with anxiety.     

 At ISPCC, we know what is worrying children and young people in Ireland; we know what is on their minds and we know how to support them. Through this series of bespoke webinars, parents and teachers will learn skills and strategies for children between five and 12 years of age who are feeling anxious.    

 ISPCC parenting leads Siobhan Harvey and Niamh Clarke will be joined by author, illustrator and art psychotherapist Katie O’Donoghue, whose second book The Little Otter Who Tried has recently been published by Gill Books.    

The Little Otter Who Tried is a beautifully illustrated book that aims to teach children valuable lessons about self-care, resilience and how to ask for help; vital lessons that will be covered throughout the webinar series. Participants will also gain a better understanding of anxiety, as well as increased knowledge of coping skills to support children and a toolkit of resources.   


Webinar details are:  

 Parents – Managing Anxiety  

April 25th, 7-8pm  

Teaching Professionals  

May 9th, 3-3:30pm where both building resilience and managing anxiety will be covered. 

Participants who register on will also be in with a chance to win a signed copy of The Little Otter Who Tried.   


ISPCC response to the ‘incomprehensible’ St John Ambulance Child safeguarding shortcomings

The victims and survivors of child sexual abuse and grooming at St John Ambulance are to be commended for speaking out in such difficult circumstances in the pursuit of truth and justice. 

Today sees the long-awaited publication of the inquiry into such allegations at St John Ambulance. 

Dr Geoffrey Shannon, recently nominated Judge of the Circuit Court, is to be applauded for his forthrightness in laying bare the serious and hugely concerning child safeguarding issues at St John Ambulance, many remaining unrectified to this day. 

It is shocking that it is only in light of the report’s publication that St John Ambulance has said it will develop “robust internal accountability frameworks” and committed to employing a full-time safeguarding officer. 

The safety of children should always be at the heart of such organisations.

It is incredibly important that when children speak out about such heinous crimes, as they did at the time, that they are believed and that the appropriate policies and procedures are followed. Children need to see something is being done by the adults who are in place to safeguard them. This did not happen at St John Ambulance. 

John Church, ISPCC CEO said: “St John Ambulance cadets are children aged 11-18 years of age. It is incomprehensible to learn that any organisation working with and/or involving children did not have a finalised child safeguarding policy in place, a requirement by law. 

“Child sexual abuse is deemed an adverse childhood experience meaning children who are subjected to such experiences are potentially at heightened risk of other physical and mental health issues in adulthood. All victims and survivors ought to receive the necessary supports they deserve.”  

Whilst St John Ambulance has reportedly stated it undertook a due diligence process in response to the delay in the publication of this report, it is now time it undertakes the same due diligence process to address its child safeguarding obligations. This is not historic child sexual abuse, it is very much abuse that happened in the recent past, and it is difficult to see how such crimes can be prevented from happening again considering the governance issues Dr Shannon has pointed out. No organisation should ever put its reputation before the safety and protection of a child in its care. 

The ISPCC notes that St John Ambulance has followed Dr Shannon’s recommendation and offered an apology to its victims and survivors, accepting the shortcomings of the structures enabled the grooming and abuse of children. 

It is not enough to proffer an apology, action must be taken to safeguard children at all times. 


ISPCC welcomes the official establishment day of Coimisiún na Meán


ISPCC welcomes the official establishment day of Coimisiún na Meán which has been set up in accordance with the Online Safety and Media Regulation Act (OSMR).  

It is a great development to see Niamh Hodnett take on the role of Online Safety Commissioner. ISPCC has campaigned for the establishment of such an office since it was recommended by the Law Reform Commission in 2016. 

We commend Minister Catherine Martin for empowering the Online Safety Commissioner to develop binding online safety codes that hold designated online services to account for how they deal with harmful online content.

John Church, ISPCC CEO, said: “The establishment of Coimisiún na Meán and the office of Online Safety Commissioner is a crucial step in improving the safety and experience of children and young people in the ever-changing digital landscape. This is an extremely positive day for children and young people and we look forward to supporting the Coimisiún in any way we can.”

ISPCC | and acclaimed author and illustrator Katie O’Donoghue to host series of free resilience-boosting webinars

Digital sessions will equip parents and teachers of primary school children with tools to bolster resilience and provide tips to help manage anxiety 

March 14, 2023 – ISPCC and author and illustrator, Katie O’Donoghue are set to host a series of free webinars for parents and teachers that will provide them tools and tips to help bolster children’s resilience and manage anxiety.  The first in the series which is primarily for parents, will take place on March 28th, 2023.    


At ISPCC, we know what is worrying children and young people in Ireland; we know what is on their minds and we know how to support them. Through this series of bespoke webinars, parents and teachers will learn skills and strategies for children between five and 12 years of age who are feeling anxious and who would benefit from a boost in confidence to strengthen their resilience.   


ISPCC parenting leads will be joined by author, illustrator and art psychotherapist Katie O’Donoghue, whose second book The Little Otter Who Tried has recently been published by Gill Books.   


The Little Otter Who Tried is a beautifully illustrated book that aims to teach children valuable lessons about self-care, resilience and how to ask for help; vital lessons that will be covered throughout the webinar series. Participants will also gain a better understanding of resilience, as well as increased knowledge of coping skills to support children and a toolkit of resources.  


Webinar details are: 

Parents – Building Resilience 

March 28th, 7-8pm 

Parents – Managing Anxiety 

April 25th, 7-8pm 

Teaching Professionals 

May 9th, 3-3:30pm where both topics will be covered.

Participants who register will also be in with a chance to win a signed copy of The Little Otter Who Tried. 

To register, follow this link:


ISPCC response to the sentencing today of a man and woman who have been jailed over the rape and abuse of her children

“ISPCC shares the shock and distress felt by so many on hearing the horrifying details of rape and abuse carried out by a man and a woman on her young children following their sentencing at the Central Criminal Court today.  

Fiona Jennings, ISPCC, Head of Policy and Public Affairs said: “Parents and those in a parenting role are expected to protect their children and keep them safe, yet in this case it is clear from the sentences handed down that these children did not experience such protection. 

 “We join with Mr Justice David Keane in paying tribute to the young children at the centre of the case who showed such bravery in recounting the horrendous abuse they were subjected to at such a young age.” 

 ISPCC welcomes the lengthy sentences handed down to both perpetrators of this shocking abuse and strongly condemns the heinous crimes carried out against these young children. Any child who has been sexually abused must be offered and receive support in a timely manner.  

 The specialist interviewers must also be commended for their diligence in gathering such harrowing testimony to secure such a substantial sentence. However, it is not acceptable that it took eight years to get to trial and for the children to have to wait such a lengthy period to access justice.  

 ISPCC reiterates its call for the Government to commit with haste to a national strategy for child sexual abuse as recommended by the Report of the Garda Síochána Inspectorate, Responding to Child Sexual Abuse, 2017. 

 It is generally accepted that the number of cases of abuse in this country are grossly under-reported and the ISPCC strongly encourages anyone who has concerns about a child to help them disclose these horrific crimes to the authorities.  

 Such crimes can be reported by contacting An Garda Síochána’s Child Sexual Abuse Reporting Phone Line, which is a dedicated phone line for the reporting of child sexual abuse, on 1800 555 222.   

Children must always be protected, and we must do everything we can to ensure that we live in a society that puts children and their needs and rights at the heart of all we do. 

Why ISPCC | needs your vote

You can help children and young people in Ireland reach out to us for any reason – with a click of your mouse!

At the ISPCC we are delighted to have been shorted-listed for the 2023  Permanent tsb Community Fund, and we need you to help us get our submission across the line. 

By going to voting for us, you can help us make a real difference to the children and young people in Ireland. 

Childline volunteers are here to support children and young people 24/7. Our support service is free, confidential and non-judgemental.  We rely heavily on public generosity so that we can be here for every child and young person all over Ireland, whenever they need us. 

Our volunteers are always here to listen, support and help guide children and young people, no matter what is going on in the lives. 

They make a real difference to the children and young people, and so can you by voting for ISPCC to become one of permanent tsb’s charity partners this year. Voting closes on Friday, March 10, at 6 pm. 

Go on, help us to help children and young people. 

• Childline’s 24-hour support line can be contacted for free, 365 days a year 24/7.  Children can chat online at or call 1800 66 66 66

• The permanent tsb Community Fund supports local communities by providing funding to community organisations that are working hard to make a difference.

ISPCC calls for Government commitment to meaningful investment in mental health provision for children and young people

ISPCC calls for Government commitment to meaningful investment in mental health provision for children and young people

Children’s mental health was in the spotlight again today as the Children’s Rights Alliance (CRA) launched its Report Card 2023 and for the second consecutive year awarded the Government an ‘E’ grade in relation to youth mental health.

Children have a right to appropriate care, and at ISPCC we know the importance of prevention and early intervention. The Government must commit to a policy of both targeted and universal investment in mental health service provision for children and young people. 

We reiterate our call for the Government to commit with haste to the implementation of the Pathfinder interdepartmental unit on youth mental health in order to align and streamline the mental health supports across various government departments. 

ISPCC CEO John Church says “This has been a key policy ask of the ISPCC since it was first recommended in the National Youth Mental Health Task Force Report in 2017, of which ISPCC was a member. There can be no further delay if we are to truly recognise the health rights of children and young people and to employ best efforts to have a world-class mental health service.”

It is a mammoth task to issue an annual report card and we commend the CRA for all its efforts in doing so. 

The Government’s ‘E’ rating in this year’s CRA’s report card – a grade awarded due to the long waiting lists facing young people requiring support from Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) – shows the need for this administration to demonstrate that it considers the mental health of children and young people to be a key priority. 

ISPCC shared the sense of shock felt by many on the publication of the interim report by the Mental Health Commission into the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service in January. 

CAMHS is illustrative of the crisis facing the health service. Yet, sadly, this is not a surprise for those of us working to support children and young people. 

The ability of CAMHS to provide a meaningful service is also hampered by staffing issues and the slow pace of digital transformation. A digital system that allows for timely monitoring and continuity of care is essential. As it stands, the system is utterly broken, despite the best efforts of those working within it. 

At ISPCC, mental health concerns are one of the primary reasons why children and young people contact us. Calls on mental and emotional health are a top profile in our 24/7 Childline Listening Service. 

In terms of online safety we are delighted to see the Government’s efforts recognised by the awarding of a ‘A’ grade. The Online Safety and Media Regulation Act is a crucial piece of legislation designed to improve the safety and experience of children and young people in the ever-evolving digital environment. However, we strongly believe that there is more work to be done in this area.

We need an updated action plan on online safety, the Online Safety Commissioner must be sufficiently resourced and proposed binding codes must be fit for purpose. 

It is imperative that children and young people can always be safe online, however we know from those who contact Childline that this is not always the case.

Our partner in the Irish Safer Internet Centre, has helped many of those young people who have been the victims of ‘intimate image abuse’ (IIA) as operators of the reporting mechanism for such images. Under the Harassment, Harmful Communications and Related Offences Act, it is an offence to share an intimate image or video of a person without their consent. 

This is a complicated issue, and ISPCC is grateful to have been involved in consultations regarding the revision of the Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE) programme for Junior Cycle in post-primary schools. programme. We believe this is a key opportunity for the curriculum to be modernised and respond to the needs of children and young people.

It is crucial that we teach our children how to manage their relationships in a digital world. 

“A truly innovative and dynamic new RSE programme will empower all children and young people, by making them familiar with the concept of sexuality and the distinction between healthy and unhealthy, or inappropriate relationships,” says ISPCC CEO John Church. “This could assist in the prevention of, or early intervention in, potential child sexual abuse cases happening in future.”