ISPCC launches Lets Sweat It Together National Campaign

Irish rugby heroes Brittany Hogan and Caelan Doris (pictured above) join forces with Childline by ISPCC as they reveal their childhood concerns and urge the nation to get chatting

For rugby star Brittany Hogan, lining up for ISPCC’s latest fundraising campaign, Let’s Sweat it Together, is the perfect tribute to her childhood self. “Unfortunately, I was once that child in need, desperate for someone to talk to but was not sure how to approach my feelings or thoughts. Worries are so personal to each one of us and it is important to not bottle them up inside.

“I am proud to be supporting Childline on this fantastic campaign spreading awareness of the importance of chatting and what better way than getting outside and sweating those worries out together.”

While her fellow rugby player Caelan Doris had a different experience growing up, he understands the importance of sharing worries with loved ones. “Having psychotherapists as parents, I was always encouraged to be open about my feelings and discuss any worries or concerns that I had but it’s only in the last few years that I’ve started doing it.

“It can be uncomfortable to talk about tricky things but the more I do it, the more I see the benefit in it. I’ve also realised that everyone has their own struggles and that our worries and anxieties are often quite similar which has been reassuring in not feeling alone or different.”

About Let’s Sweat It Together

From March 27 to April 2, Childline by ISPCC is calling on schools, businesses and individuals to take part in our latest campaign by walking a lap while having a chat with a friend, family member or colleague.

Let’s Sweat it Together was developed in response to the worries of callers to Childline. Childline is Ireland’s only 24/7 free listening service for children and young people. We know from talking to children and young people that their worries range from sibling rivalry and differences in music tastes to exam anxiety, confusion about sexuality and concerns about a friend self-harming.

  • “I’m confused about my sexuality”
  • “My friend is self-harming and I’m worried”
  • “My sister gets more praise than me”
  • “I’m worried about failing the Leaving Cert”
  • “I have some questions about puberty”
  • “How are babies made?”

We provide a supportive listening ear for all those worries and anything else on the minds of our callers.

John Church, ISPCC CEO commented on the launch: “As children around the country are entering a period of high pressure with exam season, we want to remind them that if a worry is big to you, it’s big to us at Childline. That’s why we are encouraging individuals, schools and businesses to join us from March 27 to April 2 and ‘Let’s Sweat it Together’ by having a lap and a chat with a friend, family member or colleague.”

ISPCC needs to raise up to 75% of its funding each year from donations and relies on the generosity of people right across Ireland.  The charity is grateful for all support which helps ensure its services and supports are available to children and young people 24 hours a day, every day.

To donate to Childline’s ‘Let’s Sweat it Together’ campaign or to find out more information on how to sign your school or business up, visit:

Almost 200,000 young people take part in Ireland’s biggest ever Safer Internet Day


‘Promoting Respect and Building Empathy Online’ more important than ever says Irish Safer Internet Centre

The launch of Safer Internet Day takes place today Tuesday, February 7, 2023, at The Chocolate Factory, 26 King’s Inns St, Rotunda, Dublin 1.

Today is the biggest ever Safer Internet Day in Ireland with almost 200,000 young people and children taking part in initiatives around the country  to mark the occasion. 

The launch is a student-led event focused on promoting respect and building empathy online. It includes discussions and explorations of the opportunities and challenges as they relate to protecting, empowering, and respecting children and young people, while they navigate a digital world. 

This year, the Irish Safer Internet Centre is calling on all of society to play their part in “Promoting Respect and Building Empathy Online”.

A recent survey of teenagers in Ireland, carried out by DCU’s Anti-bullying Centre on behalf of the Department of Education’s Webwise (the Irish Internet Safety Awareness Centre), with a focus on bystander behaviour online reveals that: 

• 45.3% of teenagers surveyed report witnessing some kind of mistreatment online over the last months, with most of the mistreatment happening at the hands of strangers.

• Among those who reported witnessing online mistreatment, 31.3% said a stranger started the mistreatment and 25% said other strangers joined in.

• Of those surveyed, 22.9% of participants who witnessed online mistreatment had used at least one kind of privacy or reporting tool to help others. 

Minister for Education Norma Foley T.D. said: 

“Safer Internet Day is fast becoming a key part in the school calendar and this 20th anniversary is another key milestone. We will continue to support learners and school communities to ensure their online experience is a safe one.

“Just two months ago I published Cineáltas: Action Plan on Bullying which places a significant emphasis on cyber-bullying and seeks to ensure that our schools are safe and happy places for all our children and young people.”

“I would encourage teachers and parents to examine the wide range of resources available to students through Webwise which promotes safer and better internet use.”

Irish Safer Internet Centre Representatives said:

“We are delighted to be back celebrating Safer Internet Day as an in-person event this year and to have the opportunity to discuss some of the key findings of our survey.

“Hosted by young people, today’s event affords us all the forum to ddiscuss all things about and regarding online safety. The theme of the event is ‘promoting respect and building empathy online’ which we know is more important now than ever.

“Our aim from today is to develop better strategies and partnerships on education, awareness prevention, reporting, resolution, which will ultimately effect behavioural change. 

Ombudsman for Children Dr Niall Muldoon, a sustained advocate for children’s rights, championing their safety in the digital environment, and guest speaker at the event, said:

“I am delighted to support the encouragement of more conversations on the topic of respect, empathy and online bullying for this population of children. The #SilentWitness campaign launched today on Safer Internet Day 2023, which was developed by Webwise in close consultation with young people and drawing from the latest survey findings, is an excellent way to kick-start those conversations. 

“The campaign is a series of three short films aiming to get children and adults talking inside and outside the classroom, within families, amongst peers, and in the wider community around the topic of online bullying and actions that can be taken.”

Prachi Agrawal (17), Webwise Youth Panellist said: 

“When you teach people about digital wellbeing you should also teach them about tolerance and acceptance from a young age. When you instil values of respect, respecting other people’s opinions, cultures, sexuality, and religion…you’re instilling a skill that people hold throughout their life.”

Safer Internet Day in Ireland is coordinated by the Irish Safer Internet Centre, a partnership between Webwise, ISPCC, National Parents Council Primary and, providing a range of complementary online safety services, including an education and awareness centre, child and parent helplines and a hotline.

The Centre is coordinated by the Department of Justice and co-funded by the European Union.


ISPCC receives ‘triple lock’ status again

ISPCC receives ‘triple lock’ status again

We are delighted to announce ISPCC has yet again been awarded ‘Triple Lock’ status by Charities Institute Ireland (CII).

This status is awarded to charities that uphold the highest standards in transparent reporting, ethical fundraising and strong governance structures. This recognition is the gold standard for Irish charities to offer assurances to donors, members and the general public.

To achieve the Triple Lock, we adhered to the following guidelines regarding ethical fundraising, financial reporting and governance:

• we adopt the Guidelines for Charitable Organisations for Fundraising to the Public. Our staff, volunteers and anyone else fundraising on our behalf are fully trained on the requirements and we have implemented controls to ensure that all our fundraising practices are fully in line with the Guidelines

• We prepare an annual report and financial statements in full compliance with the Charity SORP (Standard of Reporting Practice under FRS102).

• Our board has formally adopted the ‘Charities Governance Code. This means that we comply with the six principles of governance. These require that we advance charitable purpose, behave with integrity, lead people, exercise control, work effectively and are accountable 

ISPCC response to the release of the interim report by the Mental Health Commission into the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS)

ISPCC response to the release of the interim report by the Mental Health Commission into the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS)

ISPCC shares the sense of shock felt by many on the publication of the interim report by the Mental Health Commission into the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS). 

The finding that CAMHS has left more than 100 children without care for up to two years is, as Tánaiste Micheál Martin says, ‘unacceptable’. 

In light of these findings, it is timely that Minister O’Gorman and his officials will be examined by the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child in Geneva tomorrow and Wednesday. Mental health will be a key focus there, as it needs to be at home. 

The fact that the Mental Health Commission felt compelled to publish an interim report on CAMHS is illustrative of the crisis facing the service. Yet, sadly, this is not a surprise for those of us working to support children and young people. 

For many parents/carers, it comes as a relief when their child is receiving support from CAMHS. “However, we read that some of these children are ‘lost children’ within the system,” says Fiona Jennings, ISPCC Head of Policy and Public Affairs. 

“It is truly frightening that children who have been on medication are not receiving ongoing assessments to ascertain the impact of such medication on their mental health and behaviour. In such circumstances, how can it be judged whether these interventions are making a meaningful and positive difference to the mental health of the child or young person?” 

The ability of CAMHS to provide a meaningful service is also hampered by staffing issues and the slow pace of digital transformation. A digital system that allows for timely monitoring and continuity of care is essential. As it stands, the system is utterly broken, despite the best efforts of those working within it. 

While we will always need CAMHS, it needs to be considered what can actually be done with the service in the short term to alleviate this current crisis, and we strongly suggest that there is a rethink of the CAMHS service delivery model; children and young people ought to be able to avail of such a service when and where they need it.  

At ISPCC, mental health concerns are one of the primary reasons why children and young people contact us. Calls on mental and emotional health was a top profile in our 24/7 Childline Listening Service over the Christmas period. 

Children have a right to appropriate care, and at ISPCC we know the importance of prevention and early intervention. 

We call on the Government to commit to a policy of both targeted and universal investment in mental health service provision. It needs to be a core focus in the next national children’s strategy. 

ISPCC reiterates its call for the Government to commit with haste to the implementation of the Pathfinder interdepartmental unit on youth mental health in order to align and streamline the mental health supports across various government departments. 

Notes to Editors:

ISPCC Head of Policy and Public Affairs Fiona Jennings is available for comment or interview. 


For more information, please contact Rowena Walsh, ISPCC Marketing and Communications Coordinator. Tel: 087 3157552 

Email: [email protected]



ISPCC is a charity dedicated to enhancing the lives of children and young people.

The charity provides a suite of Childline services and supports for children and young people up to and including those aged 18 years of age.  Childline’s 24-hour support line can be contacted for FREE, 365 days a year 24/7.  Children can chat online at or call 1800 66 66 66.

ISPCC provide services, supports and programmes for parents/carers and those working or volunteering in child and youth settings e.g. schools, clubs, crèches etc.

Our CBT-based programmes by Silvercloud, a leading digital mental health provider, Supporting an Anxious Child and Supporting an Anxious Teen provide essential support for parents/carers and teens experiencing anxiety. 


Family relationships, mental/emotional health, and sex, relationships and puberty among the challenges faced by children who turned to Childline this Christmas

Family relationships, mental/emotional health, and sex, relationships and puberty among the challenges faced by children who turned to Childline this Christmas

Family relationships, mental/emotional health, and sex, relationships and puberty were among the issues spoken about by children and young people who turned to the Childline listening service for support over the Christmas period this year.  

Over 70 volunteers across Ireland gave of their time across the period to help ensure no child or young person had to face their challenges alone.  

The 24-hour active listening service is one of the suite of Childline services provided by ISPCC. It is free, non-judgmental and non-directive. 

Childline answered almost 600 online contacts, calls and texts from children and young people across Ireland across December 23, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.   

ISPCC Chief Executive John Church said: “While Christmas is often a magical time for children and young people, we know from those who turn to Childline that this is not so for many children and young people. They experience challenges to their mental and emotional wellbeing more acutely now than at any other time of the year. They can often feel very alone.

“This year, many children did not wake up the kind of Christmas Day they had dreamed of. They told us of the impact of alcohol or substance misuse in their home, they told us how alone and anxious they felt and they told us how they were missing loved ones. 

“Many children and young people in Ireland felt lonely, stressed and upset this Christmas. Their feelings were exacerbated as they saw families and friends celebrating together and it’s not like that for them. They turned to Childline for a listening ear and a supportive voice to hear them. And our amazing Childline volunteers were there for them 24/7 over December 23, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day – as they are throughout the Christmas period. 

“We are so thankful for the incredible dedication of our Childline volunteers. They leave their own families at Christmas to ensure that there is always someone to listen when a child or young person needs them. 

 “On behalf of all the children and young people who Childline supports, we would like to say thank you to the people of Ireland for all they do to help keep the service here 24 hours a day, every day. We are sincerely grateful to you for helping to ensure children and young people have someone to turn to, always.” 

To support Childline and help keep volunteers listening to children and young people 24 hours a day, 365 days a year in 2023 and beyond, visit 

Childline’s 24-Hour Support Line can be reached by: 

Chatting online at 

Calling 1800 66 66 66 


Childline’s 24/7 support line is having more conversations relating to suicide, conflict at home and unhappiness in the lead-up to this Christmas

Childline’s 24/7 support line is having more conversations relating to suicide, conflict at home and unhappiness in the lead-up to Christmas

ISPCC, the charity dedicated to enhancing the lives of children and young people, is reminding children and young people across Ireland that Childline’s 24-hour support line is available every day and night 24/7 all through the Christmas period.  

  ISPCC Chief Executive John Church said: “In November and December to date, the service has experienced a rise in conversations amongst children seeking support in relation to thoughts about suicide, conflict in the home and feelings of low-mood and unhappiness.  Anxiety continues to be a topic frequently discussed by children who speak with Childline both online and on the phone.

“As children around the country begin their Christmas break, Childline encourages children to reach out for any reason, anytime this Christmas.”

Last Christmas, family conflict, mental health and self-harm were among challenges faced by children who contacted Childline.  We anticipate that, along with these concerns, our volunteers will support children experiencing loss, anxiety and thoughts of suicide this Christmas. We expect over 600 engagements with children. 

The charity is keenly aware that Christmas can be an exceptionally challenging time for many children and young people. 

Childline’s 24-hour support line is there to support children and young people for any reason, and it’s a message the charity is eager that children and young people are aware of during the Christmas holidays.

ISPCC’s Director of Services Caroline O’Sullivan said: “We know that some children may feel that their concern is not ‘serious’ enough or what they are feeling or experiencing doesn’t matter as much as maybe what is going on for another child.  At Childline this is far from the case, what they want to share matters, they matter, and we encourage them to reach out.  

“Our dedicated volunteers and teams around the country listen and support children and young people, no matter what is on their mind or what they may be going through. Childline is there, unconditionally for them.  Our online chat service is ideal for children who may feel more comfortable seeking support by typing and messaging about what is going on for them.”

Some of the many volunteers who will be supporting children this Christmas, themselves sought support from Childline when they were teenagers.  Volunteer Peter O’Flanagan who reached out to the service when he was younger, said: “Just having someone to share things with and listen to what I had to say was a huge weight lifted off my chest. It’s why I volunteer now as I know how much that support meant to me. I know how important it is for children to have somewhere to turn.”

ISPCC needs to raise 75% of its funding each year from donations and relies on the generosity of people right across Ireland.  The charity is grateful for all support which helps ensure its services and supports are available to children and young people 24 hours a day, every day.  To support Childline’s Christmas appeal, please visit or call 0818 50 40 50. 

Donations, no matter how small, will help make sure every child has someone to turn to, whatever their concern or whatever challenge they face.”

Childline’s 24-Hour support line can be reached in the following ways:

Chat online:

Call: 1800 66 66 6


Notes to Editors

For more information, please contact Rowena Walsh, ISPCC Marketing and Communications Coordinator. Tel: 087 3157552 

Email: [email protected]

ISPCC CEO John Church, ISPCC Director of Services Caroline O’Sullivan and Childline 24-hour support Volunteers are available for interview or comment


ISPCC is a charity dedicated to enhancing the lives of children and young people.

The charity provides a suite of Childline services and supports for children and young people up to and including those aged 18 years of age.  

All services and supports champion prevention and early intervention, focusing on strengthening resilience and developing coping skills that will last a lifetime

Childline’s 24-hour support line can be contacted for FREE, 365 days a year 24/7.  Children can chat online at or call 1800 66 66 66.

ISPCC provide services, supports and programmes for parents/carers and those working or volunteering in child and youth settings e.g. schools, clubs, crèches etc.

Through its policy and public affairs work ISPCC advocates for meaningful change for children and young people now and leaves a legacy of improved experiences for future generations. 


ISPCC welcomes the signing into law of the Online Safety and Media Regulation Act


ISPCC welcomes the signing into law of the Online Safety and Media Regulation Act

On Saturday, December 10, President of Ireland Michael D. Higgins signed the Online Safety and Media Regulation (OSMR) Act into law. 

ISPCC welcomes the signing into law of this important act and thanks public representatives and stakeholders for their sustained engagement to better understand why such legislation was needed. 

John Church, ISPCC Chief Executive said: “This act is a crucial piece of work designed to improve the safety and experience of children and young people in the ever-evolving digital environment. At ISPCC, we believe that the signing into law of this act represents a hugely positive day for children and young people in terms of the online products and services they use.”

Prior to the genesis of this extremely important act, ISPCC had become increasingly concerned about the lack of attention being paid on a governmental level to the safety of children and young people when online. In particular the harmful content they were increasingly being exposed to and the harmful conduct they were expected to deal with – often alone with minimal support from hosting platforms. 

ISPCC was grateful to have the opportunity to share these concerns to the then Committee on Children and Youth Affairs when it began to examine this complex issue. 

In particular, ISPCC commends Minister Martin for taking on the expert panel’s view of the feasibility of an individual complaints mechanism in the act and bringing forward an amendment to provide for this vital online child protection measure. ISPCC was steadfast that failing to provide for such a provision would be leaving our children alone to deal with big platforms to get cyberbullying content removed. 

John Church continued: “We know first-hand through our suite of Childline services the impact such harmful behaviour online can have on those who are targeted in this manner. It is all our responsibility as adults to ensure that there is a safe digital environment for children and young people. They deserve nothing less than this.”

ISPCC has advocated strongly for the inclusion of both an individual complains mechanism and an Online Safety Commissioner and will continue working to ensure that children and young people can avail of the opportunities the digital environment offers in a safe and meaningful way. 

However, there is still much to do. We need an updated action plan on online safety, the Online Safety Commissioner must be sufficiently resourced and proposed binding codes must be fit for purpose. 

ISPCC has worked on this issue for many years and appreciates the complexity and nuances of the policy responses required. We would also like to acknowledge the legal support we received from the Public Interest Law Alliance (PILA) and in particular Eithne Reid O’Doherty BL. The signing into law of this Act shows that when children talk to us and tell us about their issues, we act accordingly to bring about meaningful change for them.


Notes to Editors:

ISPCC Senior Policy and Public Affairs Manager Fiona Jennings is available for comment or interview. 

For more information please contact Rowena Walsh, ISPCC Marketing and Communications Coordinator. Tel: 087 3157552 

Email: [email protected]


ISPCC is a charity dedicated to enhancing the lives of children and young people.

The charity provides a suite of Childline services and supports for children and young people up to and including those aged 18 years of age.  

All services and supports champion prevention and early intervention, focusing on strengthening resilience and developing coping skills that will last a lifetime.

Childline’s 24-hour support line can be contacted for FREE, 365 days a year 24/7.  Children can chat online at or call 1800 66 66 66.

ISPCC provide services, supports and programmes for parents/carers and those working or volunteering in child and youth settings, for example schools, clubs, crèches etc.

Through its policy and public affairs work, ISPCC advocates for meaningful change for children and young people now and leaves a legacy of improved experiences for future generations.