Looking for info on cyberbullying

Looking for info on cyberbullying. I’m a parent

Hi there,

Many thanks for getting in touch with Ask Robyn asking about cyber bullying. Bullying of any kind is often difficult to address and understand and cyber bullying further adds to this complication.

By definition, cyber bullying is “the use electronic and digital means to deliberately harass, ridicule or hurt another person or group of people. It can be an extension of face-to-face bullying when technology such as social media platforms, text messages or email are used to deliberately hurt others” (www.youth.ie/programmes/projects-initiatives/web-safety-in-youth-work/cyberbullying-inappropriate-content/ )

One of the areas of complexity when bullying is online is that it can be difficult to identify with certainty who the perpetrator or bully really is.

It is important to talk about cyber bullying with you child or young person so that they know what to look out for and how to respond. It is important that they know that no one has the right to be mean to them or make them feel unsafe online. Remind them if this ever happens, to not reply and talk to a trusted adult as soon as they can.

The National Youth Council of Ireland (highlighted above) and some other services also provide support with addressing and understanding cyber bullying: www.spunout.ie ; www.webwise.ie ; Cyberbullying – HSE.ie .

We also have some articles on our website that you may find helpful for further understand: www.ispcc.ie/a-glossary-of-cyber-bullying-terms-every-parent-should-know-about/ ; www.ispcc.ie/how-parents-schools-can-prevent-cyberbullying/ ; www.ispcc.ie/online-risks-and-cyberbullying-videos/ ; www.ispcc.ie/cyberbullying-facts-signs-supports/ ;

It is important that cyber bullying is reported, depending on the information you have available may impact who, where or how you report it. This may be to school or the gardai. You may wish to discuss this further and if so you can contact ISPCC’s Support Line which can be contacted by email to [email protected] by phone from Monday to Friday 9am – 1pm on 01 522 4300.

Take care,


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